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Students Awarded in DAR’s History Essay Contest

Four Wantagh students were presented with awards for their thoughtful and insightful essays by the Jerusalem Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The recognition ceremony took place

Helping Parents Navigate Parenthood: Expert Workshops Offers Strategies for Success

Parents and caregivers from the Wantagh community gathered at Mandalay Elementary School for Parent University, an engaging event designed to provide valuable parenting strategies for those with

Small Moments, Big Achievements for Forest Lake’s Authors

The topics were varied but the joy was equal, as second graders at Forest Lake Elementary School in the Wantagh School District shared their personal narratives on Feb. 26. The three classes

Wantagh Schools Unite Over Reading

Wantagh’s young learners were inspired to make reading a lifelong habit during the 16th annual World Read Aloud Day on Feb. 5. Elementary students were visited in person and virtually by guest readers

Wantagh Lauds All-County Musicians

More than 30 musicians from the Wantagh School District were recognized at the Jan. 23 board of education meeting for their participation in the All-County music festival. Hosted by the Nassau Music

Forest Lake Music Department Talent On Display

The Forest Lake music department held its first performance of the school year for family and friends on January 30th. Before students performed that evening, they gave their fellow classmates a

Forest Lake Students Study Peaceful, Impactful Leader

As the holiday in his honor approached, famed Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was celebrated in classrooms throughout Forest Lake Elementary School. Kindergartners in Robin Conte’s

Native American Iroquois Culture Taught Through Hands-On Experiences

The gymnasium at Forest Lake transformed into a Native American Iroquois learning ground as parent volunteers set up experiential stations honoring Native American cultural region artifacts. Fourth

High School Musicians Bring Holiday Joy to Elementary Schools

It was quite cold outside, but there was a lot of warmth in Wantagh’s three elementary schools on Dec. 12 as music students from high school performed holiday songs for their younger peers.

Forest Lake Second Graders Express Their Gratitude

Gratitude was appropriately the theme in November in Wantagh for the Character Strong social and emotional learning program. Second graders at Forest Lake Elementary School took time to reflect,