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Recess Fosters Friendship at Forest Lake School

Posted Date: 11/24/2023

Recess Fosters Friendship at Forest Lake School

A new recess initiative for kindergartners at Forest Lake Elementary School is cultivating new friendships among students at the beginning of their 13-year educational journey together. 


Recess stations were spearheaded by physical education teachers Christine Moran and Christopher Wasson. Students are assigned to different groups each cycle, so all kindergartners get a chance to know each other, regardless of what class they are in. 


“This gives them more opportunities to play with different kids,” Mr. Wasson said. “Now they’ll know the kids they’ll be in class with for years to come.”


There are six stations, which include games and free play. Each group visits two stations per day, and twice per six-day cycle, supervised by Ms. Moran, Mr. Wasson and the recess/lunch monitors. 


The games change each cycle, and feature both collaborative activities and team competitions. Free play lets children use their imaginations with toys and sidewalk chalk, and to enjoy the playground equipment.