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Student Council Makes its Mark at Forest Lake

Posted Date: 11/25/2023

Student Council Makes its Mark at Forest Lake

In the course of a year, children spend more than 1,000 hours in their school, and they should feel like it’s their second home. That’s why the student council at Forest Lake Elementary School is given great opportunities to make positive differences.


“It’s their school, so they should have a say in it,” said Principal Jessica Zimmer, who noted that student council members this year have come up with several ideas that have already been implemented. 


For example, she said, students wanted some extra activities for recess. They thought about cornhole and it turned out one of the custodians at the school is a skilled builder, so he created two cornhole sets. Student council members also came up with the idea to have bee traps installed around the school property to make their time outdoors a little bit safer from the pesky insects.  


With a desire for more lunch options, student council members met with the director of food services. There are some new items on the menu including spaghetti and meatballs and additional fresh fruits. Quesadillas are coming in December.


An unused fountain in a back hallway has sat dormant for many years, and student council is hosting a contest, soliciting ideas to beautify or repurpose it. 


Their work isn’t just limited to improving school life. Student council members also wants to help the greater community and have launched service projects. They are writing letters to residents of nursing homes and collecting new socks. With winter on its way, they are also hosting a coat drive and accepting new and gently used jackets.


Adviser Michele Anszelowicz said that student council has more than two dozen members from fourth and fifth grade. There are no elections, as the club is open to anyone who wants to join and make a positive difference at Forest Lake. 


“All ideas are welcome,” Ms. Anszelowicz said. “Already, we have put a lot of them into action.”


Student council members say they appreciate that their opinions are valued and they feel encouraged to bring their suggestions to the table.


“If I have an idea, it might become something,” fifth grader Ava Hart said. 


“It’s fun because I get to try to help out the school, for it to be a better place,” added Gianluca Figueroa, who said his favorite activities are promoting kindness with various charitable drives. 


Luke Rose said he likes that he and his fellow student council members have a common purpose. He noted the importance of a teamwork mindset because “working together helps us get things accomplished.”